Support for bushfire and drought affected businesses

The recent NSW bushfires have had devastating effects on business and communities. We've helped by:

• Changing our Leave Policy to accommodate active RFS volunteers on full pay.

• Raising bushfire and drought issues with the Prime Minister, Treasurer and Small Business Minister in a Federal Government small business roundtable.

• Getting involved with The Bushfire PR Alliance – connecting impacted towns with communication agencies to create PR campaigns that drive business back into towns.

• Producing factsheet for affected businesses, including a list of support packages.

• Seconding three of our staff to volunteer with – helping to coordinate the delivery of locally bought goods and donations to farmers and the community.

• Creating a hub to help our staff and members navigate emotional, logistical and financial impacts of the fires – with links to assistance packages, mental health support, disaster recovery toolkits and financial counselling.

• Proposing deferral/forgiveness of the NSW Government payroll tax to help with staff retention and cash flow. 

• Pledging to

Getting behind education and training

Our many programs and mentoring services help apprentices, trainees, Indigenous and unemployed youth obtain the skills and support they need to transition into the workforce. These include Apprenticeships Support Australia, Skillsroad, Apprenticeships Careers Australia, Productivity Bootcamp and career advice through My Business.

Our commitment to Child Safety

My Business is dedicated to ensuring the wellbeing, safety, and protection of children and young people in our programs and communities. Our commitment extends to safeguarding children and young people from all forms of harm or risk. We strive to create a child-safe and child-friendly environment where every child and young person is respected, valued, and encouraged to reach their full potential. Our commitment to child safety encompasses all employees, workers, and volunteers at My Business. 

Read our statement here

Driving ethical and social responsibility

We’ve reduced our own environmental footprint, and we help our members reduce theirs. The NSW Government Sustainability Advantage Program helps us all improve profitability, while our Excellence in Sustainability Award encourages members to aim high.

Greenhouse Gas Reduction

Since the baseline period 2011/12, emissions intensity per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee has been cut by 44%, while for each square metre of floor area it has fallen by 38% and for each vehicle by 26%.

Learning from culture and community 

From flood assistance grants after the devastating floods of 2011 to Indigenous young Australian scholarships, we’re listening to and learning from metro, regional and remote communities. We’re raising bushfire and drought issues with the Prime Minister, Treasurer and Small Business Minister in a Federal Government small business roundtable. We’re also a proud supporter of Beyond Blue and sit on its Business Advisory forum.